Tier 3 Large Format Printer Repair
Expand the capacity of your service department
Your customers depend on their large format printers to meet their deadlines and to generate revenue. Customers with these systems can provide steady maintenance revenue streams for local and regional repair firms, however to ensure that your clients will renew their service agreements, you have to be able to keep their systems running smoothly.
Wide Format Printer Repair
Large format commercial printers require a hefty investment and your customers may not be ready or able to upgrade to a new model when faced with a serious service problem. A serious service problem could include circuit board or printer head failure and if the printer is older these parts may not be readily available or may take an unacceptable amount of time to procure.
What happens when the manufacturer can’t supply a replacement circuit board or a printer head isn’t readily available? Your customer’s operation may be down for days, or longer – an entirely unacceptable amount of time. Replacing a circuit board is one thing – repairing it another entirely. Many service companies are not equipped or trained to handle repair or refurbishment of complex components and rely on a straight swap-out or sending the parts to the manufacturer for repair.
Expand Your Service Department
This is where a Tier 3 partner can help. Tier 3 or Level 3 Support is typically the highest level of support available and in this case includes component repair and rebuild and is an extension of your company designed to help get your client up and running again quickly.
PanurgyOEM Large Format Printer Repair
PanurgyOEM is an experienced and competent Tier 3 partner for many companies in the large format / commercial printer service business providing prompt, proficient and US based repair and rebuild services for circuit boards and printheads.
PanurgyOEM is a seasoned company with the heart of a startup. Founded in 1984 we offer electronic assembly, board repair, kitting, supply chain management and Manufacturing As A Service (MaaS). We offer an easy process to send in your components and our trained technical staff are ready to turn around your components quickly. We provide repair services for commercial printer circuit boards and printer heads.
To learn more about how PanurgyOEM can virtually expand your service department, give us a call today at 973-625-4056 ext. 261

Call 973-625-4056 ext. 261 or complete form to contact PanurgyOEM to learn more
701 Ford Road
Rockaway, NJ 07866